Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sunny Saturday....

As usual my plans changed at the last minute & that stinks.  I mean I am a "plugger" and tend to roll with the punches but give me a break already do those punches have to come so frequently....  I was planning on cropping & spending the night at a friends house (since my eyes don't focus right in the dark & I try not to drive then) so what does the car I'm driving temporarily as my other car is in the shop decided to do?  The clutch broke - I was all packed & ready to go but a change of plans.  Guess it turned out to be a good thing as hubby came home for the day to check out my bedroom ceiling that is "changing" (falling in) as we are having a foundation problem since the floods a couple months ago.  In our house with me it seems to be always something.  I know it's everyone but sometimes I feel I get more than my fair share.

Anyway I want to talk about giveaways.  Starting on the 11th I will be having a week long blog-aversary celebration & I've snagged some great sponsors/prizes for you all.  Check back starting Saturday.  Starting Monday I will be the Unity Stamp Co inspiration of the week & of course Monday the 14th is the monthly Everything Scrapp'n Design Team Blog Hop.  So there will be lots of prizes and posts (I know I've been neglecting you all lately with all my health problems but I'll be back in full swing).

Until then I wanted to share a great giveaway one of my favorite scrappers, bloggers & people is offering.... Stephanie Howell a.k.a harpersmama in the scrapping world is giving away a great scrap desk you will not want to miss a chance at - who knows your comment might just be that random number that is generated.   Click here for details and check out the desk which is the prize!

They are famous for the following unit....

There are also a lot of other bloggers giving away a chance to win the same desk.  Here's the list - enter on all to increase your chances
Vanilla Joy
Capadia Designs
Crafty Makes

Random-Ish by Nichole
Auntie Thesis
Park City Girl
Lovely Little Handmades
The Queen of the Clan
Rachelle Writes

Hope you have a great weekend & take the time to be creative...


Kathy Floen said...

Oh no, Suz! I'm sorry to hear about your ceiling and foundation. That is the pits and especially at this time of year. ((HUGS))How have you been feeling?

laterg8r said...

so sorry to hear about your house issues {{{hugs}}}

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Danyelle Ferguson said...

Thank you for blogging about the contest! Good luck!!!

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Stacey Michaud said...

Hi Suz! I miss you! How have you been! I am swamped...LOL! Hope you are enjoying this holiday season!

Rachelle Christensen said...

Thanks for entering the contest for the incredible products from The Original Scrapbox at my blog and helping a charity at the same time.

Hope you find time to scrap/create soon. :)

2 Worlds said...

Hopefully no more surprises :)