I also wanted to remind you that Noell Hyman has some fantastic videos of the show & new products on the Paperclipping site at Paperclipping.com. I just watched the new one with Donna Downey doing a make n take in the Prima Booth.
Since I'm talking about Paperclipping I wanted to remind you of the live show tonight at 9:30 pm eastern time. Noell broadcasts on ustream. We learn a lot & get to chat with online friends too. It's always a fun highlight of my week. Hope to see you there http://www.ustream.tv/channel/paperclipping-live
I was in the audience when Nancy Nally & Noell Hyman taped Paperclipping Newsbreak last Wednesday evening. If you didn't listen to that broadcast it is packed with scrapbooking industry & publishing information. That was a special episode with guests Lain Ehman, Angie Lucas (both formally of Simple Scrapbooks are starting a new company called Ella Publishing) , and Ana Cabrera of Scrapbook Trends Magazine.

The best part of CHA is meeting people who you talk to all the time online. Stacey Michaud is one of the nicest people I've gotten to know on 2peas. She is a designer for My Scrapbook Nook & has a monthly column in the ezine Scrapstreet. She is so talented I hope you visit her blog - I know you'll become a follower

You all know how I'm a Unity Stamp addict & hang out on their stites every Thursday so I had to meet Angela the owner. Brooke heads up the Monthly Kit so I've gotten to talk to her on the phone a couple times when setting up my account. They were sweet enough to take a photo with me.

Tim Holtz is quite popular so whenever he was in the booth there was a big crowd around his table. The last day late in the afternoon he was finishing up & ALONE in the booth so he was gracious enough to allow a photo op with a big fan.

The "Tattered Angels Guy" James walked around the show with his goodie bag & if he saw you with a Tattered Angels button he would let you guess to win one of their products. I won a package of Christmas Glimmer Chips. I had to get a photo with him - such a sweetheart...

Well that's all I have time for today. Gotta clean up the house - my hubby & son were making me pay for being gone all week... they were more piggy than normal (Andrew is usually the neat freak & even he was slobby in the living room & kitchen)... and I have all my "loot" from CHA to put away 5 shopping bags full. I'll be offering some prizes on Friday so check back.
I see you had a great time
I love Stacey Michaud! How cool that you got to meet her :) I love your blog...you're always in the know!
Wonderful photos Suz. I am very jealous.
Great photos! Looks like you had a blast at CHA!
Suz--you are the best! I truly enjoyed meeting you in person! Next time, we make a plan to have lunch too!!!
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