Well someone bought my domain name. His name is Anthony & he lives in England. He was very cooperative in allowing me to purchase it back (making a tidy profit without gouging me TOO badly). But the big problems came with trying to get all his forwarding codes out of the Go Daddy sight and put mine in to send people to my blog. It was so easy when I attached the domain to the blog in the first place I remember 2 clicks and it did it for me. Not so easy undoing his forwarding for someone like me though. Anthony was sweet in responding to my emails and trying to walk me thru how to tech articles (which sounded like gibberish to my mind). Topping it off I only had internet if I went to the club house during their business hours (they shut it off when they weren't open) it was a slow connection to boot and the changes I would make on go daddy would take over an hour to show up so the back and forth was making me even more crazy). My Mom learned fast not to push my buttons when I'm having computer problems lol.... sorry Mom for snapping.
I couldn't even make my blog a free blog again at that point because either I'm not tech savvy enough (most likely that answer) or it was in an endless limbo. Regardless if I didn't get the domain back I read I would loose everything from the past 2 yrs and have to repost. Not an option so that's why I bought it back.
Andrew was my savior last night logging into email, blogger, go daddy in multi tabs and copy/pasting codes, website names, and who knows what else but I AM BACK!!!!!
Lesson learned that even only I will pay for domain in the future to make sure it's done.
The vacation was AMAZING. I'm so thankful to have spent time with both of my parents alone and to top it off in such a beautiful place. Destin Florida is so wonderful.
Sun is not my friend with lupus it makes me burn even worse than normal with my Casper the Ghost skin. I loved walking on the beach early in the morning watching the sun rise & water sparkle. The lighting was amazing on the water & I would come back each day with a camera full to capacity of photos.
The sea birds were so unafraid of people and would walk along with me at the waters edge.
We were only supposed to stay a week then Mom got the ok from Dad's cousin to stay a second week. Only problem was Dad had to go back to home so Mom & I stayed without a car (that was interesting NOT... why is it when you can't do something the desire to do it becomes almost overwhelming lol I needed more groceries for sure and was ready to ride on the little 3 wheel scooter Mom gets around on down there). One night we were raiding what was in the pantry for dinner and came up with generic mac & cheese (without butter since we ran out) and Van de Camps Chunk Light Tuna (WARNING NEVER BUY THIS IT LOOKS LIKE THE LOWEST QUALITY CAT FOOD YOU HAVE EVER SEEN) once prepared & mixed together it almost looked hairy because the tuna was just mush (not even one chunk of put together fish like you usually see) and the taste was so disgusting we were tasting it for hours even after brushing teeth & mouth wash lol.
Destin has very little restaurant delivery places. Wednesday I was so desperate I found a mom & pop type pizza place with good reviews. It was OK (better than the only other choice which was Domino Pizza yuck) and the chinese place had horrible reviews so we stayed clear of that one. You would think that such a busy tourist place with every restaurant known to man would have delivery..... I would love to open up a business down there delivering food.... make good money & be able to live the good life in paradise.
Thankfully my son Andrew came to pick us up and was able to stay 1-1/2 days (too bad his job is so busy since he loved the beach .... but we'll be going back). Andrew arrived at night with Chick fil A in hand (they were the best sandwiches EVER)
Sunday morning before leaving Andrew & I walked the beach at sunrise
Well that's all for now blogger photo loader is acting wonky
I have lots of mini book kits to create & cleaning to do (my guys left me quite a mess being gone so long) so I have to nudge the dogs off my feet (they are literally sleeping on them) & leave the computer to get busy.
EMI Scrapbooking is getting in all the newest & best product lines with several shipments a week being delivered by our trusty "Mr. Brown" aka UPS guy. So if you are local make a trip up there and you sure will not leave empty handed. If you aren't local Susan sells all the latest & greatest on her online ebay store & ships world wide quick as lightening. Check it out here.